PHI Pilates Testimonials
Hear what our clients have to say.
Great instructors and amazing equipment! Their one on one classes help keep me walking and that is what is truly amazing!!!
I wanted to tell you what a difference you and all of your instructors have made in my life. I have learned so much from you. I not only feel better but I am so much more aware of my body and how I move. You have been such a gift to me!
Learning to connect my body and mind the PHi Pilates way has been literally life-changing, pure joy and way beyond what I thought was physically possible for me at 62.
Thank you for doing what you do so well and sharing it with the world. Chrissy, Lynn, Karen,Susan are masters….but also dedicated, generous and kind. ❤️
With my husband’s(Martin) Parkinson’s disease, we came across Chrissy and family at the Parkinson’s walk one and a half years ago. Martin loved jumping on the trampoline that day so we decided to meet Chrissy weekly. Of course it doesn’t only include the trampoline, but so much more. Chrissy is able to stretch him and challenge him in positions to improve his balance. He comes in every Monday all bent over and leaves tall and walking more freely.
Our Mondays are the highlight of Martin’s week. She is so bubbly and happy to work with him. We know there isn’t a cure for Parkinson’s but exercise is the best medicine.
I have been taking private sessions at Phi Pilates for several years. I have severe Scoliosis with other back issues and I have found that Pilates has built up strength in my core and other muscles that surround my spine, shoulders, and legs, relieving pains that I have because of my condition.
Karen Ketchum works with me there and I am amazed by her knowledge of my condition and her expertise of the Phi Pilates method to treat me. I always leave the studio feeling much stronger and nearly pain free.
I would highly recommend Phi Pilates to anyone. The entire staff that I have encountered have been very friendly and professional.
Karen Ketchum is a great instructor. Very knowledgeable, professional, competent, and kind. She has helped me achieve strength and flexibility on the reformer in my equipment class. I notice when I do daily tasks it’s easier because my core is stronger.
I enjoyed the rehab course in March. It was a privilege to be able to work so closely with Chrissy and to be able to “pick her brain”. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about what we learned. I have many “light bulb” moments as I am teaching clients. Of all of my continuing education, my work with PHI Pilates through YUR Back and the Rehab specialist course have been by far the most valuable and influential on my teaching.
Phi Pilates Studio has helped me strengthen my back and I feel stronger in every way.
I experienced a stroke three years ago and at first began standard rehab processes at our local hospital and later with an outside firm – both with limited success. A family friend suggested an evaluation at PhiPilates, in addition to being licensed Pilates instructors several members of the staff are Physical Therapists.
Being introduced to the PhiPilates Studio has been the best thing that has happened to me. The owner Chrissy Ruby is literally world class – just read her bio. Staff members like Cassandra Ruby, Lindsey Chropka, and Rachel Reynolds are resourceful, patient, caring AND they are teaching me how to walk again! I’m most grateful to the entire team.
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